Monday, March 31 2025

Spurs Fans Say Something Now

Article by e-Spurs Correspondent Sean Walsh

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Remember when White Hart Lane was one of the most atmospheric grounds in England? Remember when the Tottenham faithful sang for 90 minutes? Remember when we didn’t need to produce articles like this?

What’s happened? Why is there more sound in space than at the Lane? We’re all passionate about Tottenham, so why are we all sitting their twiddling our thumbs waiting for something to happen?

When I say ‘we’, I mean those who go to games on a regular basis. I’ve been to a couple in the past year, and one of those was against Hull in the Capital One Cup after AVB complained about the atmosphere, so you can imagine how boisterous it was for, not 90, but 120 minutes.

When I was there, I could only imagine how it sounded to those watching by illegal internet str-I mean on the telly. It was fantastic; you’d have thought we were playing in a Champions League game. 1st minute- “Come on You Spurs!”. After Sigurdsson’s sexy strike- “Come on You Spurs!”. After Brad’s own goal- “Come on You Spurs!”.

You get the idea.

But since then, nothing. The stadium may as well be empty. I get that we don’t play the most exciting football, but isn’t that even more reason to sing up? Give the players some motivation? We’ve got some very, very good players on our books, and they’re probably thinking ‘What a bore this place is’, when second rate players like Jenas and Stalteri were here when White Hart Lane was as loud as any other ground out there.

Like I said, I don’t get many trips to the Lane anymore, so I have to ask the regulars out there- why is it so quiet? Why can you hear a pin drop? Why can’t we sing for 90 minutes regardless of performance? When the announcer reads out the line ups, it sounds like he’s shouting down a hollow chimney, it’s ridiculous.

Follow the links below and you’ll go on an adventure through time to when White Hart Lane was bouncing- yep, a few years ago. It’s not too late.

Vid 1

Vid 2

Vid 3

Vid 4

“Oh, but these are all big fixtures.”- EVERY game involving Spurs is a big fixture, and we need to start acting like it.

We’re all Tottenham Hotspur- start showing it.

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  1. i blame stubhub

  2. i also blame the strict approach to the "Y WORD" chanting which means the drum was banned too..

  3. i blame, ignorant, moronic supporters who expect too much without waking up to the reality of football resources and ownership.

  4. Can you really blame the supporters for going quiet, nobody has the faintest idea what is going on at Tottenham anymore!!! This year has been a farce, we again lost our best player. Every year seems to be the same, Berbatov, Modric, VDV and then no more Gareth !! Defoe goes with no replacement!! Managers come and gone and not always for a good reason. The crowd liked Jol, he was sacked mid game after 2 x 5ths. The crowd loved Harry, sacked after 2 x 4ths !! Then we got MR PERSONALITY Avb, couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, well probably could but would forget the fun part (alcohol). Fun was seriously lacking at the start of the season after 100million spent. As supporters we get the brunt of abuse from other London teams and really don't have anything to fire back at them. I like Sherwood, but the poor fella is a lame duck manager keeping the seat warm for someone after the world cup. Avb knocked the supporters, we've been told not to sing or chant an age old favourite, of course we are bloody QUIET. Someone sort out this sorry mess and perhaps the crowd will come to life again. I'm a season ticket holder and this the biggest shambles of a season I can ever remember (and we've had a few)!!!!!! Sort it out Mr Levy, you're in danger of losing the fan base you need to fill the new ground (if ever we get one). COYS !!!!!!

  5. Sympathise with Hotspur above, but actually I think it's because of anxiety - plus we're too busy arguing with each other. Also, it's the same at other grounds. The away support is so much better for everyone. Got to forget managers, ownership etc - all peripheral, all that matters is the team wearing white shirts. Plenty of good players to get excited about and loads of potential. COYS

  6. Spot on Hotspur! said on behalf of very spurs supporter who feels the same.

  7. The chairman and board have sold the fans down the river.... silent on the SUPPORTERS who have been arrested for chanting the Y word. They should have backed them instead they have hung them out to dry, fed them to the wolves.....because they don't give a shit !


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